
A Daily Dose of Silence

This is purrfect (hehe…ya I love corny “jokes”)

Yoga Inspiration (screenshot of the Yoga Inspiration FB Page)

So first the cat pic is adorable! (plus I love cats and have 3 of my own!) It is also true, because Yoga does relax me! This picture reminds me that not only is yoga beneficial for the body and soul, but it also shows there can be silliness and fun included in my practice.

The second pic states a great quote, “The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.” It reminds me that of course the Asanas (Body Positions) are important, but yoga is more than just asanas. Yoga promotes a holistic lifestyle including fitness, healthy eating, meditation and more. It can heal your body and soul!

Please share some pics or quotes that inspire your practice!

Kristi ❤

Home Practice Compilation

I have compiled a list of tips and quotes that help me whenever I am feeling unmotivated!

  1. Keep a Journal/Calendar – I love this idea because I love to write down everything! In the article Coraley states that this gives the home-practicer some “accountability” and it helps to “form a habit”
  2. Release Expectations, ALL of Them – Yoga is not about perfection, it is about PROGRESS and GROWTH!
  3. Treat Yourself with Compassion – This is my favorite! She says, “instead of beating yourself up for not doing a practice the day before, forgive yourself, let it go, and roll out your yoga mat” which is great for me, because I tend to practice irregularly. And at times if I miss a few days I get so mad or I feel like a failure.

I am only going to list my two favorites, but if you want to see all 10, just click the link above!

  1. Start slow and discover your own inner teacher. Kreg Weiss.

  2. Approach your practice with openness and curiosity, rather than self-judgment or competitiveness. Rodney Yee.

yoga quote

Kristi ❤

Opening MY Heart

Yesterday I took Bonnie’s class…the last one of my 7-day trial. 😦

When we did Tadasana (Mountain) I felt a tightness/blockage in my shoulders. At the end of the session I asked her for advice.

She gave me mantras to practice daily in order to help with opening my heart and throat chakras (more to come on the chakras!). I once attempted to practice subconscious training, but I didn’t stick with it. In a sense, mantras do train the subconscious…so I think I am going to give it a try.

One she wrote down for me is the Sanskrit phrase “om gam ganapataye namaha”



I’ll keep you posted 📫 on how helpful these mantras are!


Kristi ❤


“I am that”

On Wednesday I signed up for a 7-day pass at The Yoga Center of Medford. A full week of unlimited classes…ahhhh 🙏

This studio has no mirrors. This can be a relief for some, but it is a challenge for many. It is only natural to want to look in a mirror while practicing yoga. I used to be worried about how my poses looked compared to all the videos and pictures online.  Practicing without a mirror at home changed my perspective on progress. Unless I am taking a class at the gym, I seek out studios without mirrored walls.

There are cards available to help with focus. They are names of gods/goddesses and angels. The card I received was Zanna.


It is kind of ironic that I should pick this card; the pains of my past are what led me to yoga. I felt a sense of peace.

I loved the class so much that I returned on Friday. The instructor was different, as was her style. There was less flow, more breathing thru postures. I enjoyed the stretching along with a bit of core awareness!

Class this morning was with Bonnie. She is a wonderful instructor! I took her class once before and by far she is the most spiritual instructor I have ever had. She takes the class from root to crown reciting mantras. I just might incorporate this style in some of my home-practice sessions. 😁

Good News… I still have two days left on my week pass! Yay!!

Kristi ❤

“Words of Enlightenment”

The great paradox of karma is that it’s a very unfree way to get free. Mark Borax.


This quote was on the back of this interesting drink I found. To me this quote expresses the true definition of living the law of attraction. The universe cannot differentiate positive vs. negative or good vs. bad; it can only understand thought and action. If you are kind to others, kindness returns to you…just as if you are unkind to others, unkindness returns to you. You are always bound to your actions…

Kristi ❤

Let Freedom Ring

In honor of Independence Day, here are some inspiring “freeing” quotes!



To find yourself, think for yourself. Socrates.

The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.  Michel de Montaigne.
Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. Steve Jobs.

When I discover who I am, I will be free. Ralph Ellison.

For it is in your power to retire into yourself whenever you choose. Marcus Aurelius.

In yourself right now is all the place you’ve got. Flannery O’Connor.

Kristi ❤

visit for more GOOD quotes (and books)!

It’s Time to Break the Cycle

Welcome to The Spirit in Me Blog! If you are reading this, THANK YOU for visiting my page :)! I have been a yoga enthusiast for three years now. My practice has been inconsistent…I typically practice for a few weeks/months then stop for a few weeks. It is an ongoing cycle 😓

Just like any typical 24 yr old, I’ve been trying to figure out who I am and what I want to do with my life! I know I have my degree, but is it what I want to do until retirement!?! Throughout this process I have tried different hobbies, jobs, fitness plans, etc. YOGA stands out; I always come back, and I ALWAYS love it! I enjoy the physical and mental benefits.

I decided the best way to achieve a consistent yogi lifestyle is to record my experiences. I hope that you will join me on this journey! Please comment anytime!

Namaste (in Sanskrit this means “the Spirit in me bows to the Spirit in you”)

Kristi ❤