Home Practice Compilation

I have compiled a list of tips and quotes that help me whenever I am feeling unmotivated!

  1. Keep a Journal/Calendar – I love this idea because I love to write down everything! In the article Coraley states that this gives the home-practicer some “accountability” and it helps to “form a habit”
  2. Release Expectations, ALL of Them – Yoga is not about perfection, it is about PROGRESS and GROWTH!
  3. Treat Yourself with Compassion – This is my favorite! She says, “instead of beating yourself up for not doing a practice the day before, forgive yourself, let it go, and roll out your yoga mat” which is great for me, because I tend to practice irregularly. And at times if I miss a few days I get so mad or I feel like a failure.

I am only going to list my two favorites, but if you want to see all 10, just click the link above!

  1. Start slow and discover your own inner teacher. Kreg Weiss.

  2. Approach your practice with openness and curiosity, rather than self-judgment or competitiveness. Rodney Yee.

yoga quote

Kristi ❤

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